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166  Course Assignments / WEEK ONE / Re: What "is" Zen on: August 20, 2005, 10:58:25 AM


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167  Any and Everything / Group Space / Re: ...maybe you thought belief in "Intelligent Design" too common/weird? on: August 20, 2005, 10:57:14 AM
When i first discussed comic panspemia in the 1970s,
almost all reactions included the notion that i had gone nutz.

2 weeks ago a CNN special on outer space included
several astronomers who took cosmic panspermia very
seriously.   Cry Cry Grin
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168  Course Assignments / WEEK ONE / Re: in the beginning 'coincidance', the excerpt 'how to think' on: August 20, 2005, 10:55:06 AM
DIG --

As Abe Lincoln observed, "Most people are about as happy as they decide to be."

Love that 'most' and 'about' which evade the stupid dogma of many new age
writings on this subject..  Grin
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169  Course Assignments / WEEK ONE / Re: George Antheil on: August 19, 2005, 01:20:19 PM
Antheil also set to music all the poems in Joyce's Chamber Music.

Pound wrote a book on Antheil called Antheil and the Treatise On Harmony, published 1925,
the same year as a draft of 17 Cantos,
the first volume of Canti and perhaps a key to the style.
See also Pound's Machine Art.
The same year Pound also wrote his only opera, Viollon.

"The sound of any pitch, OR ANY COMBINATION OF SOUNDS, can be followed by any other sound or combination provided the TIME interval be properly gauged."
-- Pound
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170  Course Assignments / WEEK ONE / Re: why do critics act as if they mean is-in-the-mind-of-God when challenged? on: August 19, 2005, 01:09:35 PM

does this mean that there's no such thing as "good" or "bad" art, only individual taste?

When people ask me if a book or movie is "good,"
I tell them it seemed great to me,
or it seemed lousy to me.
But I don't know what God thinks of it. Huh
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171  Course Assignments / WEEK ONE / Re: Did Joyce assume, how people will read Wake? on: August 19, 2005, 01:06:38 PM
Reading Finnegans Wake with not exellent Engish goes not very easy.

Reading with a lot of unkown words makes the foggy sense. Yet it exists, as stays some sensation (sometimes CutUp like) - and may alter reader state

Reading, permanently looking throght dictionaries, comes slow and breaks the sensation.

Did Joyce suppose, how people will read Wake - thouse, who don't know all used languages?

Seems like a space of information - and known languages seem to narrow the window - what will we see? and if "as above, so below" works, maybe?

Joyce said once he expected the reader to devote his or her whole life to the study of Finnegans Wake.
But he was joking [I hope!].
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172  Course Assignments / WEEK ONE / Re: ASSIGNMENT: Read "How to Read – How to Think” in Coincidance on: August 19, 2005, 01:04:28 PM
I prefer the term 'default' world. I spend so much time on computers I have begun to break things down as 'browsers' and 'operating systems' when it comes to nervous systems. 'Aol' would be the 'sleep', 'unconcious' world. I have met people who think Aol 'is' the internet and so they would like you think. (If your browser is AOL with word filters and porn filters and the like then you interact through a default browser, ie Christianity, trying to explain code to the average AOL user is like trying describing LSD trips to the average uninitiated.

Very good, dig.
Distinguish also between faith-based programs [NO FEEDBACK]
and research-based programs [MAXIMUM POSSIBLE FEEDBACK].
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173  Course Assignments / WEEK ONE / Re: ulYssES! on: August 17, 2005, 01:08:15 PM
Stately -- like a state, Stupidly, OX-like
crossed -- like the late redeemer, on a CROSS

aleph -- OX
tau -- CROSS

"I  am the serrvant of two masters...."
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174  Course Assignments / WEEK ONE / Re: How to read Henry James on: August 17, 2005, 01:01:11 PM
Tor -- you got it.

Shannon non-aristotelianizes communication
as Heisenberg non-aristelianized measurement Grin
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175  Course Assignments / WEEK ONE / Re: How do I am on: August 17, 2005, 12:53:36 PM
how do i am alook alike a poss of porterpeace?
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176  Course Assignments / WEEK ONE / Re: Van Gogh could see 28 shades of black. Why? on: August 17, 2005, 12:47:08 PM
William -- Vincent made the claim in a letter to Theo

All of you -- very intelligemt answers
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177  Any and Everything / Group Space / Re: Introductions on: August 15, 2005, 12:28:36 PM

Please explain isomorphism beween Finnegan's 7 raynbow girls
& 7 Gilligan castaways

Have you noticed their isomophism to the 7 weekdays?
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178  Any and Everything / Group Space / Re: Introductions on: August 15, 2005, 10:43:35 AM
Delighted to hear from you again, Mindy
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