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31  Course Assignments / WEEK NINE / Re: The 8 Circuit Model on: October 13, 2005, 10:01:37 AM
The Kung texts that Pound translated and loved
get classified as neo-confucian by others because they
contain a lot of Daoist flavor

e.g. in Canto 74
the wind is part of the process
the rain is part of the process

The process = Ez's translation of DAO
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32  Course Assignments / WEEK NINE / Re: The man who shot Liberty Valance on: October 13, 2005, 09:49:30 AM
Wow, now I gotta see that film again.

Only 2 Joyce commentators known to me have suggested
'pia et pura bella' represents as much sarcasm as Vico
dared with the inquisition looking over his shoulder.
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33  Course Assignments / WEEK NINE / Re: Joyce on Television on: October 11, 2005, 10:50:46 AM
The Mullingar inn in Chapelizod, the model for HCE's tavern,
had the biggest gawdamn TV screen i ever saw in 6 years in

it did't have any TV  at all when JJ wrote FW 1922-1939

Chapelizod > church of Isolde

Guranium > geranium + uranium
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34  Course Assignments / WEEK NINE / GOD's Lovers on: October 10, 2005, 10:16:05 AM
Saw Salman Rushie on TV last night, bright as jewelry.
He blames our current disasters on god's frstration over
the low quality of his current lovers.

Yeah, if my lovers resembled bush and bin laden i might get violent too
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35  Course Assignments / WEEK EIGHT / Re: Thomas Hart Benton on: October 08, 2005, 11:33:02 AM
A good intro to Senator Benton --
PROFILES IN COURAGE by John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Doesn't say much about Benton's war with the Bank
but does present the man most colorfully

[yeah, that JF Kennedy]
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36  Course Assignments / WEEK EIGHT / Re: drug and drunkery addict. on: October 08, 2005, 11:24:22 AM
In the Pisan sequence EP notes that
he only met one
in his whole life
"and he ended in the Vatican"

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37  Course Assignments / WEEK EIGHT / Re: Why does Pound so often mingle Chinese and American history? on: October 08, 2005, 11:16:06 AM
I think EZ saw Confusianism as a major influence on the
18th Centurry Enlightenment & hence on Jefferson

Voltaire praised Kung as "the first man in history 
who did not have a divine vision"
and Ez quotes this often

Sir Edward Coke who influenced Adams even more
gets major treatment in the Thrones cantos
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38  Course Assignments / WEEK EIGHT / Re: drug and drunkery addict. on: October 08, 2005, 11:01:00 AM
JJ seems to have taken every negative thing ever written
about himself and applied them to the [ figures in FW

A New York tabloid c 1928 claimed Jim had become
a drink and drug addict
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39  Course Assignments / WEEK EIGHT / Re: Hilary & Tristopher in Mookse/Gripes on: October 08, 2005, 10:50:45 AM
the 2 women frequently > tree and stone > Tristan


they also > Alice Pleasance Liddel + Isa Bowman [who played Alice on the stage]
> the 2 girls peeing in the bushes > Swift's 2 Esthers > Tristan's 2 Isollde's > the 2 washerwome in chapter 8
who become a tree and a stone.....

In the name of Annah the Allmizeful the EVErliving tjhe bringer of Plurabiliiesss
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40  Course Assignments / WEEK EIGHT / Re: Joyce and the Walrus on: October 08, 2005, 08:48:07 AM
Tim Leary claimed Joyce had dyslexia and used it
in creating FW

"In the buginning is the woid"?
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41  Course Assignments / WEEK EIGHT / Re: drug and drunkery addict. on: October 06, 2005, 12:54:53 PM
Ondt & gracehoper = Shem & Shaun = Earwicker & Cad =
space & time = eyes & ears etc. etc.

NEVER "one correct answer" in FW, a 20th Century "tale of the tribe"

Algebra invented for problems not solvable by
"one correct answer" arirthmetic

Joyce's "nat language" invented for systems not
describable in "one correct answer" language

Note Bruno of Nola turning around at
beginning and end of tale

Time, space,
neither life nor death is the answer
--Canto 115
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42  Course Assignments / WEEK EIGHT / Re: Pope Adrian 4 and Space on: October 06, 2005, 12:26:55 PM

note: Ondt = sin [in Dutch]
Ondt = don't by English anagram = restriction

"The word of sin is restriction"?

"eins within a space" instead of "once upon a time"
= covariance of space-time with Einstein hinted
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43  Course Assignments / WEEK EIGHT / Re: Why does "tribe" for JJ & Ez include Chinese and Africans? on: October 06, 2005, 10:43:06 AM
Ez always denied ethnic prejudice; in the 1929 letter
to the Carnegie peace fund, he listed it as one of
the 3 causes of modern wars, along with commercial
rivalries and national debts

He disliked monotheism whether Xtian, Jew or Islam

He praises some Christians, some Jews and some Moslems

Some -- actually very few -- of his utterances suggest
real anti-semitism but hardly outweigh the majorty
of his works which remain globalist

Don't believe me -- read the Cantos and decide for yourself
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44  Course Assignments / WEEK EIGHT / Re: Hooo Fasa on: October 06, 2005, 10:19:54 AM
Hooo mean somthing like hooray or hallelujah
Fasa = the tribe or the king

From an African "tale of the tribe"
collected by Frobenius

Wagadu = a divine, or magick, city
which existed four times
and each time got lost again
first thru vanity
second thru lying
third thru greed
fourth thru feuding

Wagadu still exists in some sense
"in the mind indestructible"
and will appear again
when all people transcend
vanity, lies, greed and vendettta

Hooo Fasa

Hooo Fasa

gets repeated 10 times at the end of
the song

Hooo Fasa
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45  Course Assignments / WEEK EIGHT / Re: Why does "tribe" for JJ & Ez include Chinese and Africans? on: October 04, 2005, 11:31:48 AM
I think for EZ the tribe included all humanity

How mean thy hates
fostered in falsity
--Canto 81

God of all men, none excluded
--Canto 113

"I hate no-one." said Voltaire
"not even Freron"
--Canto 114

Freron -- the galoot who denounced Voltaire to the Inquisition
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