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46  Course Assignments / WEEK EIGHT / Re: Why does Pound so often mingle Chinese and American history? on: October 04, 2005, 11:00:17 AM
I suspect that Pound's view of the best in U.S.A. and the
best in China seemed so goofy to his contemporaries
that he felt a special need to pile up the data.

E.g. economics of Tching Tang and Andy Jackson
known only to specialists
the similariiy of the two known just about only
to readers of Cantos
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47  Course Assignments / WEEK SEVEN / Re: CHING MING on: October 01, 2005, 10:51:16 AM
VERRRY good, Prop

Korzybski said humans as the symbol-using
animals get ruled
by those who rule symbols

Shelley called poets unacknowledged legislators

Vico said crystalized poems become laws

Does talking in fossil poems perpetuate fossil laws?

Why does Ez emphasize the renewal ideogram,
HSIIN, as much as CHING MING?
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48  Course Assignments / WEEK SEVEN / Re: The sons relate to Bruno & Vico -- how? on: October 01, 2005, 10:37:12 AM
The coicidance of contraries in p.q. story
represented by Hilary and Tristopher Roll Eyes
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49  Course Assignments / WEEK SEVEN / Re: Pound & Joyce & T.S. Eliot ... "the still point in the turning world"...? on: October 01, 2005, 10:12:34 AM
Academic anthologies devised to convince the young that
the classics ain't worth reading
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50  Course Assignments / WEEK SEVEN / Re: hilaritas on: September 30, 2005, 11:21:29 AM
I know less Dutch than any other European language.
Why?  Because you never really need it -- the Dutch
ALL seem to speak English.
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51  Course Assignments / WEEK SEVEN / Re: Very woid fossil poem on: September 30, 2005, 11:14:26 AM
ALP = dream in German;

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52  Course Assignments / WEEK SEVEN / Re: LEARNING BY DOING on: September 30, 2005, 11:07:30 AM
bobby --

Thanks for the latin original of the Bruno quote.
 I put it in half-english because I
cdn't remember my Lain graammar

[This info tor those who complain
about inferiority]
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53  Course Assignments / WEEK SEVEN / Re: Recurrance/Eternal cycle on: September 29, 2005, 02:17:13 PM
Bobby -- vey good!

How about prose, poetry and math as
3 ways of modeling Universe?

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54  Course Assignments / WEEK SEVEN / THE LOUISIANA REFUND on: September 29, 2005, 11:27:11 AM

Begin forwarded message:
From: "Scott Apel"
Date: September 29, 2005 9:39:52 AM PDT
Subject: FW: Read this if you need to smile

 This came to me unattributed, but it has got to be from The Onion...


?President Bush and a giddy Jacques Chirac shake hands on the deal.

BATON ROUGE, LA. - The White House announced today that President Bush has successfully sold the state of Louisiana back to the French at more than double its original selling price of $11,250,000.

"This is a bold step forward for America," said Bush. "And America will be stronger and better as a result. I stand here today in unity with French Prime Minister Jack Sharaq, who was so kind to accept my offer of Louisiana in exchange for 25 million dollars cash."

The state, ravaged by Hurricane Katrina, will cost hundreds of billions of dollars to rebuild.

"Jack understands full well that this one's a 'fixer upper,'" said Bush. "He and the French people are quite prepared to pump out all that water, and make Louisiana a decent place to live again. And they've got a lot of work to do. But Jack's assured me, if it's not right, they're going to fix it."

The move has been met with incredulity from the beleaguered residents of Louisiana.

"Shuba-pie!" said New Orleans resident Willis Babineaux. "Frafer-perly yum kom drabby sham!"

However, President Bush's decision has been widely lauded by Republicans.

"This is an unexpected but brilliant move by the President," said Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist. "Instead of spending billions and billions, and billions of dollars rebuilding the state of Louisiana, we've just made 25 million dollars in pure profit."

"This is indeed a smart move," commented Fox News analyst Brit Hume. "Not only have we stopped the flooding in our own budget, we've made money on the deal. Plus, when the god-awful French are done fixing it up, we can easily invade and take it back again."

The money gained from 'T'he Louisiana Refund' is expected to be immediately pumped into the rebuilding of Iraq.


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55  Course Assignments / WEEK SEVEN / CHING MING on: September 29, 2005, 10:24:01 AM
Look at p 252 of the Cantos [end of Canto 51]

Two ideograms, CHING and MING

They reappear on p 333, 352, 382, 387, 400 ....all thru the
purgatorial Cantos...

CHING as noun means officer or regulator;
as verb, to rectify or correct

MING as noun = generalizations,
as verb, to generalize;
moony language

When somebody asked Kung fuTse the first thing
he'd do if made Emperor, he replied

'noun and verb as one'
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56  Course Assignments / WEEK SEVEN / Re: Recurrance/Eternal cycle on: September 29, 2005, 09:55:24 AM
"Language is Left-Brain telepathy"
--Daniel Moonhawk Alford


"The eye sees noun and verb as one.'
--Ernest  Fenollosa


"Peace comes of communication'
--Ezra Pound

"The medium is the message"
--Marshall Mcluhan
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57  Course Assignments / WEEK SEVEN / Re: Nozzle of Ezra and the Nuzzle of Joyce on: September 29, 2005, 08:58:07 AM

'a change in language can
our apprehension of
the cosmos'
--Benjamin lee Whorf

Mark Twain--
Why do I AM alook alike two poss of quarterpeece? Huh Huh
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58  Course Assignments / WEEK SEVEN / Re: hilaritas on: September 29, 2005, 08:28:58 AM
If you don't mind your p.s and q.s the porter wlll sound like a quarter

Porter means inn-keeper in some parts of England
and tax collector in others. In 19th century Ireland
the owner of the inn in Chapelizod seems a porter
in both senses.

"Speech is left-brain telepathy."
--Daniel Moonhawk Alford,
inventor of Transpersonal Linguistics
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59  Course Assignments / WEEK SEVEN / Re: hilaritas on: September 28, 2005, 11:16:03 PM
The luderman --

Synge invented a new language in PLAYBOY
by writing english words in Gaelic grammar

Does anybody, at this point, believe it possible
to take seriously propositions spoken in English
while thinking in a ludic language like Gaelic?

Cd Ez, Fenollosa and Bucky Fuller have
it right about alphabets placing
you in a different world than ideograms?
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60  Course Assignments / WEEK SEVEN / hilaritas on: September 28, 2005, 10:40:39 AM
in the prankqueen story Tristopher has a name based on the trist- root,
signifying sadness
& p.q. makes him a playboy [luder-man]

Hilary has a name based on hilaritas, cheerfulness
& p.q. makes him a gloomy gus [tristian]

Bruno said hilaritas contained sadness and
sadness contained humor

mind your p.s and q.s

a pint of porter please
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