I seem to have 44 of you in this seminar — 42 students, our Beloved Academy Admin, and an anonymous invited guest. By holy Qabala 44 = Horus. Does this mean something?
I don’t know; but according to Aleister Crowley we entered the Aeon of Horus 100 years ago — 100 years, 3 months and 20 days ago, if I calculate correctly. But perhaps that merely indicates whimsey on my part….
I hope and expect this seminar will prove a Learning Experience for all of us, especially me. I also hope we will all find it a lot of fun….
150 years ago, more or less, Emerson synthesized the barely emerging science of neuro-linguistics into a memorable mantra:
“Every word is a fossilized poem.”
That sentence ignited a flaming perception in the brain of a Harvard student named Ernest Fenollosa, and when Fenollosa died in 1914 his notebooks, turned over to Ezra Pound, ignited what some literary historians call the Revolution of the Word. One result: we all respect words a lot more and trust them a lot less.
Thus, while Freudians and Jungians speak of “levels of consciousness” or “unconsciousness,” Gurdjieff of “vibration levels,” Leary of neurological “circuits,” etc. and currently I speak of “dimensions,” this mostly represents a choice of metaphors and not a difference in subject matter.
If you grok that in its fullness, you will also dig why I call this workshop The 8 Dimensions of “Mind” and NOT The 8 Dimensions of Mind. If you don’t get it, hang in there: it will become clear as we proceed.
And just in case that bloody 44 does mean something, read and contemplate Chapter 44 from Crowley’s Book of Lies [falsely so called]:
Kappa-Epsilon-Phi-Alpha-Lambda-Eta Mu-Delta
The Magician, his breast bare, stands before an altar on which are his Burin, Bell, Thurible, and two of the Cakes of Light. In the Sign of the Enterer he reaches West across the Altar, and cries:
Hail Ra, that goest in Thy bark
Into the Caverns of the Dark!
He gives the sign of Silence, and takes the Bell, and Fire, in his hands.
East of the Altar see me stand
With Light and Musick in mine hand!
He strikes Eleven times upon the Bell 3 3 3-5 5 5 5 5- 3 3 3 and places the Fire in the Thurible.
I strike the Bell: I light the flame:
I utter the mysterious Name.
He strikes Eleven times upon the Bell.
Now I begin to pray: Thou Child,
Holy Thy name and undefiled!
Thy reign is come: Thy will is done.
Here is the Bread; here is the Blood.
Bring me through midnight to the Sun!
Save me from Evil and from Good!
That Thy one crown of all the Ten.
Even now and here be mine. AMEN.
He puts the first Cake on the Fire of the Thurible.
I burn the Incense-cake, proclaim
These adorations of Thy name.
He makes them as in Liber Legis, and strikes again Eleven times upon the Bell. With the Burin he then makes upon his breast the proper sign.
Behold this bleeding breast of mine
Gashed with the sacramental sign!
He puts the second Cake to the wound.
I stanch the blood; the wafer soaks It up, and the high priest invokes!
He eats the second Cake.
This Bread I eat. This Oath I swear As I enflame myself with prayer:
“There is no grace: there is no guilt:
This is the Law: DO WHAT THOU WILT!”
He strikes Eleven times upon the Bell, and cries
I entered in with woe; with mirth
I now go forth, and with thanksgiving,
To do my pleasure on the earth
Among the legions of the living.
He goeth forth.
COMMENTARY [by Crowley]
This is the special number of Horus; it is the Hebrew blood, and the multiplication of the 4 by the 11, the number of Magick, explains 4 in its finest sense. But see in particular the accounts in Equinox I, vii of the circumstances of the Equinox of the Gods.
The word “Phoenix” may be taken as including the idea of “Pelican”, the bird, which is fabled to feeds its young from the blood of its own breast. Yet the two ideas, though cognate, are not identical, and “Phoenix” is the more accurate symbol.
This chapter is explained in Chapter 62. It would be improper to comment further upon a ritual which has been accepted as official by the A.’.A.’.
PLEASE NOTE that I suggested that you “contemplate” this ritual, NOT that you perform it. Unless you have at least 10 years experince in Magick ritual of the Thelemic sort, you should not try performing any invovation of Horus. Reasons exist why occultists call him the Lord of Force and Fire.
Preface to Second Edition*
Chapter One
Chapter Two
*If you only have the first edition, you may skip this and just meditate on how to make fire out of ice.
Do all exercizes in Chapers 1 and 2
1. How many of these exercizes relate to the meta-model? How many to the Milton model? Do any of them comingle the meta-model with the Milton model?
2. Whether you’ve tackled Finnegans Wake before or not, open to the first page [numbered page 3] and write down all the overt or covert references to the Bible you can find. [Next Tuesday I’ll send you my own list.]
3. Why, of all the teachers in the world, did you seek out me? Why of all the years in your life, this year? Try to think of “all” possible answers again…..
4.Contemplate this haiku:
All is cloaked in fog;
The world seems empty, until —
Far off, a gull shrieks.
5. Go to www.gunsanddope.net Study and discuss. [“We are operating on many levels here.”]
6. Rent a DVD or Video of our Movie of the Week, D W Griffith’s masterpiece, INTOLERANCE, and feel free to join the Academy Forum and the discussion of it.
7. Record your exercize results in your Academy Journal
What a delightfully intelligent crew we have here…
I’m enjoying this dia-[or multi]-log immensely,
and I hope all of you enjoy it, too
For this week:
Read chapters 3 & 4 of Prometheus Rising
Do at least SOME of the exercizes
Continue at least some of last week’s exercizes
Read my Introduction to Weishaupt
Read the excerpt from the Wilson/Brown interview (full interview)
Read page 3 of FINNEGANS WAKE again, this time looking for
a) Mark Twain
b) Jonathan Swift
c) Lewis Carroll
Read the forum discussions of Bible links on page 3 of Finnegans Wake
Bring forth a Theory of why Joyce left the apostrophe out of Finnegan’s
Week Three Assignments
Read chapter 5 PromRis
Do the exercizes
Add to subjects:
George W Bush
John F Kerry
Try again on exercizes from Chapters 3 and 4
Read Protecting Biblical Marriage
Re-read page 3 of FINNEGANS WAKE looking for possible references to
a. geography & history of Dublin, Ireland
b. geography & history of Dublin, Georgia
Make 4 copies of the Leary Interpersonal Grid [PromRis p 76] using yr scanner or going to a xerox shop
Black out with pencil or crayon all wodges that describe your habitual interpersonal reactions [“games.”]
This represents a profile of the first two dimensions of yr ‘mind.’
Have 3 critters who know you fill out the same grid giving their profiles on you.
Week Four Assignments
Read chapter 6 PromRis and
Try again on exercizes from Chapters 3 and 4
Re-read page 3 of FINNEGANS WAKE looking
for wot Monty Pythin calls “the naughty parts”–
a. sex and sex organs
b. urination and defecation
If you hain’t already done this, make 4 copies of the Leary Interpersonal Grid [PromRis p 76] using yr scanner or going to a xerox shop
Black out with pencil or crayon all wodges that describe
your habitual interpersonal reactions [“games.”]
This represents a profile of the first two dimensions
of yr ‘mind’
Have 3 critters who know you fill out
the same grid giving their profiles on you.
Compare the different filters we have used on the
opening of FINNEGANS WAKE with different
filters used on “the world” — Christianity, Islam,
Marxism, Buddhism etc etc
Compare LSD with seeing all possible filters at once…..
Week 5 Assignments
Read PM chapters 7 and 8
DO the exercizes
Contribute to Forum with examples
of the acceleration/deceleration dialectic —
using recent or past history
Re-read page 3 of FINNEGANS WAKE looking
for possible references to
a. geography & history of Rome, Italy
b. the Three Stooges
Week 7 Assignments
Read chapter 11 PR
DO the exercizes especially the Christian Science
texts for the month. You can now find them online
If they seem like gibberish,
that’s okay; just do more pranayama and/or
smoke more pot, until you can decipher them.
Contribute to Forum, if you can, any interesting results of exercizes.
Note that Mrs Eddy entangles the meta-model
with the milton-model. Attempt disentanglement.
Read the attached article on Sexual Alchemy
and discuss in the Forum.
Week 8 Assignments
Read chapter 12 PR
DO the exercizes especially 3, 4, 5 and 6
Contribute to Forum, if you can, any interesting results of exercizes.
Read the attached article on Dreams of Flying and discuss in the Forum.
Forum Topics
Discuss one of your own experiences with the the neurogentic dimension and/or Jungian Collective Unconscious
Write down at least one dream this week just upon waking and examine Jungian Unconscious insights
Do you think the Jungian Collective Unconscious has been too heavily emphasized?
What other models are useful for these type of consciousness?
If you’ve read Rupert Sheldrake, discuss his “morphogenetic field” as a model for this data.
Week 9 Assignments
Read chapter 13 PM
DO the exercizes
Contribute to Forum, if you can, any interesting results of exercizes.
Read the attached article on CSICON
and discuss in the Forum.
Forum Topics
Discuss one of your own experiences with the abnormal or paranormal.
Any UFO experiences?
Read chapters 14 and 15 PM
DO the exercizes
Contribute to Forum, if you can, any interesting results of exercizes.
Read following story and assume it is literally true:
Stephanie and her friend walked into the music store after lunch.
Stephanie wanted to buy the new CD by the group, “No Girls Allowed”.
There was only one other person in the store when Stephanie and her friend
Stephanie asked, “How much is this CD?”
Stephanie’s friend said, “Here, let me see it.
I don’t think he heard you.
This tag says it costs $11.99.”
Check each of the following inferences as T [true], F [false] or ? [maybe]
1. Stephanie wanted to buy a CD.
2. Stephanie and her friend ate lunch together.
3. Stephanie owns a CD player.
4. There was only one boy in the store.
5. Two girls walked into a music store.
6. There are no boys in the “No Girls Allowed” group.
7. Stephanie and her friend are teenagers.
8. The store’s owner didn’t hear Stephanie because the music was too loud.
9. Stephanie had enough money to buy the CD.
10. The “No Girls Allowed” CD cost $11.99.
11. The owner of the store is a woman.
12. Stephanie wanted to buy a CD as a gift.
13. One of the CDs costs $11.99.
14. There were two boys in the store.
15. The clerk was hard of hearing.
Discuss the tricky ones in the Forum.
Read chapter 16 and attempt the exercizes
Consult http://www.velvet.net/~starchy/ [dead link}
for the Key to Efas Taem
Read and discuss The Relativity of “Reality” in the forum
Assignments — none!!
Altho’ I suggest that you read the last 3 chapters
of PR and discuss in the forum
And I wd/ feel happy if you write short [one sentence]
comments about
what you liked most about the course
and what you liked least about the course
Teaching online feels like a new and exciting art
but one which I need to learn by doing. All
feedback will help.
I want to thank all of you for what I have learned,
and I hope you all feel that you have learned
something too.
Non illuminati carborundum,