Maybe Days (ongoing)

For Maybe Day 2023, check out my Eight Circuit essay “Unplugging from the Matrix,” and my past Maybe Day writing projects on the Eight Circuit model: “Freud, Jung and a Platypus get an MRI” and “Two’s Company, Eight’s a Fnord” and/or follow this link tree to see all my stuff in one place. -Mike Gathers (quackenbush)


Welcome to


After a short disappearance, we’ve reemerged with a new domain.  To keep current with all things RAW, we suggest Tom Jackson’s RAWIllumination blog, and Martin Wagner’s for all the archives we’ve missed.  Tom Jackson had a nice interview with me explaining the history of this website over at RAWIllumination.

Happy Maybe Day

Join me in celebrating a day of not being sure about anything. But don’t expect the Certain to thank you for it


Today is Maybe Day, a day inspired by the late writer Robert Anton Wilson. It was his hope that on this day people of all creeds and beliefs would come together and chant, “Jesus is the only son of God, maybe” “Hear O Israel, the Lord thy God is one, maybe” and “There’s no God but Allah, maybe, and maybe Mohammed is his prophet.” At this point the world would suddenly become a far saner place.

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What’s new?

It has been a long while since this site has had an update and many of the links below may have already crossed your path.

One of the most requested items (2nd only to The Sex Magicians) I’ve had over the years is the Mystic Fire movie Borders, with Steve Buscemi, which has only very recently been uploaded to YouTube in one full, uncut video by the prolific RAWarchive channel.

I’ve completed and published a long anticipated index of the Realist Archive Project.

If you’ve never been to Tom Jackson’s RAW Illumination blog, set aside some time prior to venturing into the featured contents including a dozen new essays, two new interviews, and a handful of collected letters.

Other videos incude the Prophets Conference from Dec, 2000 and a gig with Leary from 1998 in LA.  Meanwhile, 3 new interviews have been added to the roster:  Obscure Research Interview  1991, Rabbit Warren Report  1997, and Future Life Interview, Sept 1981.

Last but not least, we have an audio interview on Finnegans Wake and Joseph Campbell.


RAW Week at Boing Boing

In honor of the 5th anniversary of Wilson’s departure from the physical plane, Boing-Boing is celebrating RAW Week with contributions and remembrances by Paul Krasner, Douglas Ruskoff, Antero Alli, Jay Kinney, R.U. Sirius, Erik Davis, Ivan Stang, Richard Metzger, David Jay Brown, RAW blogger Tom Jackson, and more.

Robert Anton Wilson Remembered

RAW Remembered

Fond remembrances of the life and work of Robert Anton Wilson, featuring Douglas Rushkoff, Antero Ali, Tiffany Lee Brown, David Jay Brown, Zac Odin, and Joseph Matheny.

Amazon/Audible info

And on for free


Farewell, Bob!

Robert Anton Wilson Lives!

The RU Sirius Show, #78: Robert Anton Wilson Lives! with Lance Bauscher and Eric Wagner.

“We talk about the great writer/ philosopher/ prankster Robert Anton Wilson with Lance Bauscher, director of the documentary “Robert Anton Wilson – Maybe Logic” and the force behind the “Maybe Logic Academy.” And we talk to Eric Wagner, author of “An Insider’s Guide to Robert Anton Wilson.” And best of all, Bauscher brought in some reading/performances from the upcoming audio book version of The Illuminatus Trilogy!, which will be released by his Deepleaf Production company.”


I’ve recently noticed “as if for the first time” that when people pray they always look “upward” — i.e. perpendicular to whatever place they’re standing — or kneeling or groveling. I deduce that they conceive of their “god” as topologically isomorphic to a huge donut, about a thousand miles wider than Earth.

[Of course, if people ever pray at the north or south poles, this would have to change; then “god” would become isomorphic to a hollow sphere.]

When I raised this issue in a blog recently, Paul Krasner asked “Does this mean that the pledge of allegiance should be changed to ‘one nation inside god’?”

Not necessarily. Although the Bible and Koran always speak of their god as “above,” Christians, Jews and Moslems can either accept what their rituals imply — a donut god — or return to a flat Earth….

Giambatista Vico, “the father of sociology”, suggested in The New Science that Thunder historically underlies the “god” idea; the Noisy Thing roaring in the sky , seemingly in rage, had to be appeased. Sometimes lightning came from that roaring monster, and sometimes lightning killed somebody. Hence Zeus bronnton [Zeus the thunderer], Jupiter, another thunder god; Thor, Donner, whose very name means thunder; etc…. and Yahweh….. and Allah…… Joyce uses this god=thunder equation repeatedly in Finnegans Wake [which drove me to read Vico…]

I have also observed that thunder on the sound-track — signalling oncoming tragedy or horror — appears in films as diverse as those of Orson Welles, James Whale, Howard Hawks, Wes Craven, Monty Python etc etc…. Listen for it and note how bloody often it pops up…… especially in thrillers….

The monotheistic idea implies a cruel and grumpy old electric donut surrounding Earth and ever threatening it.

I think this explains the “structural unconscious” or inarticulate neurosemantics of Bozo, Ariel Sharon and Osama bin Laden equally. They’re all heaping up human sacrifices, as at Stonehenge, to Him Who Thunders From On High.